
Galleries- with - text


Whole new world opened to me when I realized that my passion for "adventure" can be combined with passion for photography. I would like to thank to all the amazing people I have been "working" with for letting me be so close (sometimes too close) to THEIR adventures. Thanks for giving me the chance to freeze these amazing moments of pure excitement, dedication and from time to time a bit of fear as well.




Even though I tend to spend a lot of my shooting time hanging on a rope in all sorts of weird positions I still try hard to find time for landscape shots. Surrounded by all the beauty around me I feel small and relaxed. Not sure why I guess  I need to get older to understand  these things ;-) but it for sure makes me feel very happy and that's why you will find lots of landscape shots around this website :-). So my apologize if action is your only thing and nature seems to be too steady and boring. Believe me it is not ;-)




Whole new world opened to me when I realized that my passion for "adventure" can be combined with passion for photography. I would like to thank to all the amazing people I have been "working" with for letting me be so close (sometimes too close) to THEIR adventures. Thanks for giving me the chance to freeze these amazing moments of pure excitement, dedication and from time to time a bit of fear as well.

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